Meet Keaton
Keaton is from the same litter as Buster, Ozzy and Kita. He’s just over two months old and weighs about 7lbs. He was rescued from a backyard where unfixed dogs had been allowed to breed. We were able to save the whole litter and you can see the listings for his siblings on our home page.
Keaton is the only brindle in the litter and has the cutest little white beard. Keaton loves playing and romping around in the garden with his brother, then curling up for a long cuddle. He is super sweet and affectionate and has a great little personality.
Our best guess is that he is some kind of poodle/pittie mix. We estimate is fully grown weight to be around 35lbs. The perfect size!
Keaton has medium fur and the most beautiful brindle coat with a white chest and chin and four little white socks.
Please apply at
Adoption fee is $600 and covers vaccinations, flea treatment, de-wormer, negative fecal exam, vet check up, microchip and neuter when he is old enough.